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FBI Contact Email Now Available for Companies Wishing to Submit Cyber Incident Disclosure Reporting Delay Requests

The FBI has provided a dedicated email address for submitting cyber incident Form 8-K reporting delay requests. 

Requests can be submitted to the FBI directly at: 

As described in our previous post, the dedicated email address was forthcoming at the time the FBI released its initial guidance to victims of cyber incidents seeking a reporting delay; however, the page with the guidance has since been updated. Reporting delay requests can also be made through the U.S. Secret Service, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the Department of Defense, or another sector risk management agency.

Linked here is additional information from the FBI and DOJ on (i) how to request a disclosure delay, (ii) what information must be included in delay requests, and (iii) how DOJ will review and decide delay requests


cybersecurity, sec cyber reporting